Landscape photo of Lake crescent in Washington State

Fee Schedule

The Following Fees May Apply
ATM/Community Bank (per transaction)
No Charge
ATM/all other (per transaction)
Bank-To-Bank (FI-to-FI) Outgoing Transfer Credit via Digital Banking
Bounce Paid Overdraft Item Fee
Canadian Item Processing Fee $10.00
*Cashier's Checks (over the counter)
Chargeback (per item)
Check Cashing Fee - Non Customer - On-Us Check $5.00
Checking Account Reconciliation (minimum one hour)
$10.00 per hour (if bank error, no charge)
Coin Counting Exchange (Non Customer) 10.00% of the total coin counted or exchanged / $5.00 minimum fee assessed
Collection Domestic (incoming or Outgoing) $30.00
Collection International (Incoming or Outgoing)
Counter Checks (encoded, per page of 4 checks)
Debit Card International Service Assessment Fee 2.000% of the dollar amount of the transaction for each international transaction completed
Debit Card Replacement
Dormant Account Monthly Charge
Duplicate Statements
Early Closure (checking or savings account closed within 60 days of opening)
Garnishments and Tax Levies
Image Statement for Easy checking (monthly) $2.00
IRA Transfer Fee (transfer to another Financial Institution)
Loan History (Computer Printouts)
Lost Key - Safe Deposit Box $5.00
*Money Order Purchase (issued up to $1,000.00)
Night Depository
Fee varies upon bag type
Digital Banking access
No Charge
Digital Banking Bill Pay access
No Charge
Overdraft Paid Item Fee
Photocopies (per copy)
Research Services (per hour, minimum 1 hour)
Return Item Fee (per item)
Reprint of Statement
Statement on CD - Fee Per CD (available monthly, quarterly, or annually)
*Stop Payment
Sweep Transfer - per transfer
Temporary Statements
Wire Transfers (incoming)
Wire Transfers (outgoing)
Wire Transfers (International, outgoing) $50.00

*No Charge for these services with certain Interest Bearing Demand Accounts.

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